Sunday, June 28, 2015


The 2nd challenge for the TPT sellers was to DREAM!  Well, just so happens, I'm good at that! While I have some pretty big dreams for all areas of my life, I decided to keep the dreams I have for my TPT store realistic so I could reach them and then expand!! I like setting goals for myself and my students that I see attainable to insure success and that feeling of accomplishment!  Don't get me wrong here.... I am not setting the bar so low that I can achieve them quickly.  I set them realistically so that I won't give up.

     My first goal on the challenge will mean a lot of hard work on my part!! I LOVE TPT products and have a hard time turning them down at times.  I want to create exciting practice for my students in my classroom and share it in my TPT store, so that means I will be spending quite a bit of time working.  In return, I hope to have a wealth of items for my students to use for individual practice, buddy work, and intervention time.  AND I will share with other teachers through TPT.  Hopefully, I can use all these new items to balance the amount of $$$ I spend on TPT .  I'm a strong believer in using something others have created if it fits the needs I have.  Why try to recreate it if someone else has already done the work and created a fantastic resource?!?!

     My second goal is to supplement our incomes for our household.  That's pretty self-explanatory!

     And the third goal that I chose, was to create and use tools that will help me reach ALL of my students!  I want the students to be excited to learn new things and see themselves succeeding in the classroom.  I want to engage my students to be active learners, not just fill in worksheets all the time!

     So, there you have it!  A look into why I chose the DREAMS I listed on this challenge.  I have enjoyed reading everyone's dreams this week.  I could relate to pretty much all of them!

1 comment:

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