So this is where I get to spend some valuable time with some pretty awesome people!
This is a view from the doorway to the "front" of my room. I don't know why I call it the front but that's it's title and it's too much to change it now lol!!
I did this over my door on the hallway side to kind of go with my pinch of a superhero theme. Not really into the whole full blown theme these days. I just seemed to get tired of looking at it the entire year. But I like a little novelty to get the kiddos excited.
Not sure who first started this behavior chart system, but I am loving it for my class! I've been doing it for a few years and just made this new one for this year. I love the idea of rewarding those sweethearts that are just always found doing what they are suppose to be doing!! When they make it to Amazing, they get a jewel on their pin. You would have thought it was a priceless gem!! I also added in a reward on each of the move ups. They LOVE it! Wish I had one more level up from Superhero but too late to change it now. Maybe next year!

These are my birthday baskets!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this idea that I totally snagged from another blogger (can't remember who, but THANK YOU)!! I have a basket for boys and one for girls. I only keep about 5 in each one at any given time. They have inexpensive prizes in them that I pick up throughout the year at Dollar Tree or wherever! If they have a birthday in July, they get to pick one our first week in school. If they have a birthday in June, they get to pick one before we leave for summer break!
Not totally thrilled with this yet. Needed to add some pop on the boring cabinets and needed a place to anchor my number words. Used wrapping paper from Wal-Mart as the background and then laminated it all!
My calendar and math manipulative area! Use this EVERY morning with our math notebooks!
Student cubby areas for their art boxes and big ole science and social studies textbooks!
Just dishpans from WM and used our Silhouette to make the student numbers.
Birthday banner bulletin board and places to park the paper trail of parent notes, student handouts, and the like.
My HUGE desk that was a thrift store find on the cheap and it was in perfect condition. Even has the L for a computer.....if I had one!
Another view of the front! Not sure if you can make out the name hangers from my ceiling. Each child has one and someday soon we will have some fabulous art work hanging down! Can't wait!
Another view! Notice all the empty wall space for upcoming charts and student work!
Bulletin board in the hallway that no one but my class ever sees :( !
Our character this week!! Arthur from our reading series story Arthur's Reading Race!
Superhero job chart! Thanks Pinterest!
A job for everyone. All 14 of them!
Our classroom library! I sooo struggle with organization here!
Another view of my desk area that I house stuff!
High frequency word wall!
Small group area that is behind my desk!
Station rotation chart. We have 10 stations. Each student goes to two stations every day for 30 minutes. I would really love to paint this monster of a file cabinet, but it is most likely waxed to the floor and I'm sure it weighs like a billion pounds!
Portable stations!
Spelling and high frequency words for the week!
Well, that's about it! I am really out of my comfort zone sharing my classroom! I know there are so many teachers with rooms that should be in magazines or something, so click on the link below and enjoy theirs!